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Magnus Mulliner in Hull on 30/07/14

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A return to HEALthy  self:  Our Health is the degree we are conscious

Most of us were raised in a ‘thinking’ world, which is based on fear, competition, ‘survival of the fittest’ and struggle. How would LOVE respond in this situation? What would LOVE say?

There is another exciting journey we could embark on, but that depends on our ultimate dreams and beLIEfs/values about self and others. Everything is about ourenvironment. We are all ‘products’ of our environment and most people create a lifestyle around their own labelled pathologies.

Three out of four Americans have a chronic diagnosable dis-ease and these statistics are not much better for people residing in the UK. What are ourSOULutions? What new lifestyle distinctions can we make to ultimately become the change we wish to see in ourselves? What is our maximum potential right now?

In this presentation you’ll learn more about YOU and those factors which allow you to grow and contribute and perhaps discover your ‘Souls agenda’. Now wouldn’t that be amazing to find out what our true calling is?

You’ll also

ü  gain further knowledge about simple HealThy choices

ü  increase your awareness about simple strategies to prevent and reverse all chronic dis-eases including cancer

ü  discover more EMPOWERING tools, which will allow you to move forwards and prevent yourself from becoming a medical statistic

ü  Learn amazing behavioural aspects, which will bolster your immune system and slow down your aging process

ü  overcome any mood swings and depression and ultimately improve your whole quality of life, while at the same time create enjoyment and gain optimum vitality.

ü  Have fun J




Don’t miss this exciting and informative evening.

Permanent link to this article: https://hull.truthjuice.co.uk/index.php/2014/03/magnus-mulliner-in-hull-on-300714/

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