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Louise Castro in Hull on 16/11/16

Our tale is set in a microcosm that reflects hundreds of thousands of microcosms all over the world, community microcosms that have been decimated by on-shore drilling and just because the drilling rig is not in your backyard please do not think you will not be affected.
After a long, and sometimes bloody, battle against Rathlin Energy all the permits are now in place enabling Rathlin to start work on West Newton B and from there to go back into West Newton A to drill a second well head. It has been nearly two years since Rathlin suspended the well at West Newton A and during these two years we, who have been campaigning against Rathlin, have been called liars and blamed for all of Rathlin’s wrong doings. But we haven’t taken their smear campaign or out and out lies lying down, we have researched, sent Freedom of Information Requests, attended meetings and drop ins and asked questions we have exposed their lies, the irrefutable links with an East Riding of Yorkshire Council with it’s majority of elected members that do not care about the residents they are supposed to represent and naive landowners who think they are getting a lot of money in return for very little, even though history should tell them there is no such thing as a free lunch!
We have updates for you and will answer any questions you may have.
Lou xx
All proceeds to Chaos-D to fund the ongoing campaign against Rathlin Energy Uk and fracking locally ♥
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