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Louise Castro in Hull on 13/06/18

Truth Juice Hull Presents from the River to the Sea.
My Journey to the Olive Groves Presented by Louise Castro.
A first hand account.
Palestine, the most beautiful, most fought over land in the world. Jersualem, the most beautiful, most fought over city in the world.
When I first stood on the West Bank and looked out over the olive groves I knew there would forever be a piece of my heart that belonged only to Palestine. As I looked I saw the minaret of the Mosque shinning as a beacon of hope to the Palestinians who call this land their home. But I also saw the settlements looking down on those who live below and realised that their beacon was not a minaret of hope but surveillance towers and flat packed houses reflecting, not love and peace, but oppression and hate.
In the weeks I was in Palestine I learned an awful lot about how the media of the world lie and twist the truth at the behest of Governments and financial institutions who support the illegal occupation and corrupt the truth by spreading hate and lies in the name of greed and jealousy.
It comes down to one thing and one thing only, the drive to take someone’s home and land away from them.
My time on the West Bank as a protective presense was amazing. I was privilidged to be at the wall in Bethlehem for the Balfour Centurary street party skit, I had stones thrown at me, I was chased by Israeli Soldiers barely out of nappies carrying machine guns, I was tear gassed but I also met the most wonderful, caring, bravest people I have ever met in my life.
I would love to share my story of that time with you to tell you the stories of the people I met and to tell you the truth about what I found.
Venue: Walton Street Club, Walton Street, HULL, HU3 6JR / START TIME 7.30PM
£5 Waged/ £3 Un-Waged / Donation / or whatever you can manage even if that is nothing.
Truth Juice Hull is NON-PROFIT making supporting local charities and the venue is FREE.
Lack of money will never be an issue with attending the talks. (CONTACT TJ HULL AND BE ADDED TO THE MAILING LIST)
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