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Tracey Ozdemir and Nicki Philip in Hull on 31/05/17
Truth Juice Hull Presents Media on Taija The Cove and Captivity
Every year, in Taiji, Japan, dolphins are chased into a small cove and butchered in the most horrific and cruel way imaginable. The hunts are subsidized by the dolphin captivity industry, which pays top dollar for a few “show quality” dolphins that are ripped from their families. The rest of the pod is killed for meat laden with mercury and PCBs
Unfortunately, despite the low numbers of dolphins slaughtered, the hunters are making up for the decline by catching many more dolphins for captivity.
Tracey Ozdemir the Dolphin Lady and Nicki Phillip Cove Defender will be appearing at Truth Juice Hull to raise awareness about the brutal slaughter and captivity of Dolphins in Taiji, Japan.
We will also be showing the film The Cove
Doors will be open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start.
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