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Neil Sanders in Hull on 06/11/13

neil-sanders-pic-630 x 250 v3MK ULTRA, LSD and the Hippie Movement

Neil’s talk will be on the history of LSD, how it was utilised by the US in the MK ULTRA mind control programme and the various experiments that were carried out.
He also addresses the worryingly close relationship between the military and the musicians of the 60′s.  The LSD explosion was seen as an organic youth culture event stoked by the benevolence of the love generation and the LSD cooks that distributed their wares across the USA and the UK.

But was it all that it seemed? Sadly the CIA, Tavistock and the military industrial complex have their fingerprints all over the entire movement.

About Neil

Neil Sanders holds an MA in Film Studies, studied Psychology and Media Production for his BA Honours and is a qualified hypnotherapist.

Neil is considered an expert on the subject of mind control and has been studying the history of this dark art and its application by military and government intelligence agencies across the globe for many years.

Neil has appeared on several television shows and made numerous radio appearances in Europe and the USA and is the author of Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own Volumes one and two.

Recently, Neil’s talks have been included on the headlines pages of DavidIcke.com and Rense.com

Please note; this talk may not be suitable for children!

For more information please visit:


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